We Take Your Performance Seriously
The Southwest NEBB Chapter is a combination of both Arizona and New Mexico's Certified NEBB Professionals and Qualified Technicians.
The National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1971 by contractors in the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. NEBB exists to help architects, engineers, building owners, and contractors produce great buildings with HVAC systems that perform in ways they have been visualized and designed.
This "green" goal can be best accomplished by having a building’s environmental system properly tested, balanced and/or commissioned by a NEBB Certified Professional or Technician.
The National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1971 by contractors in the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. NEBB exists to help architects, engineers, building owners, and contractors produce great buildings with HVAC systems that perform in ways they have been visualized and designed.
This "green" goal can be best accomplished by having a building’s environmental system properly tested, balanced and/or commissioned by a NEBB Certified Professional or Technician.
Looking to become NEBB Certified?
NEBB establishes and maintains industry standards, procedures and specifications for work in its various disciplines. Each discipline is anchored by a NEBB Procedural Standard that provides guidelines for work to be performed and NEBB certification examinations that validate the individual’s knowledge.
NEBB Firm Certification provides tangible proof that Firms are qualified in the proper methods and procedures for each NEBB discipline and that they have the correct calibrated equipment to provide accurate reports. NEBB Personnel Certification provides tangible proof that Certified Professionals and Technicians are qualified in the proper methods and procedures for each NEBB discipline. Contact our Chapter Coordinator for further details: Suzi Aaro [email protected] |